Our hospital

Mount Hospital is well known as one of the leading private hospitals in Perth.

We are a 224 bed acute private hospital centrally located at the foot of the beautiful Kings Park on Mounts Bay Road.

Our hospital is well known for our provision of a broad range of surgical and medical care.

Mount Hospital is part of Healthscope and shares a commitment to the provision of quality healthcare.

  • Elizabeth Porritt | Interim General Manager / Deputy State Manager WA
  • Donna Speedie | Director of Nursing
  • Shamiso Marerwa | Director of Finance
  • Dr Greg McGrath | Director of Medical Services
  • Charlene Chieng | Business Development Manager

Mount Hospital’s Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) comprises a group of visiting medical officers who represent the specialties at the hospital.

The MAC meets every quarter and works together to with the General Manager and the Director of Nursing to ensure the clinical standards of the Hospital are upheld.

MAC Chair: Dr Michael Prichard (Physician)

Director Medical Services: Dr Greg McGrath (Intensive Care Medicine)

Director Clinical Training and Research: Dr Chris Judkins (Cardiology)

Anaesthesia: Dr Mark Schneider and Dr Ann Ngui

Breast Surgery: Dr Vineeta Singh

Cardiology: A/Prof Chris Judkins and Dr Avadhesh Saraswat

Cardiothoracic: Mr Sanjay Sharma (Deputy Chair)

General/Bariatric: Dr Bill Gong

Neurosurgery: Mr Graham Jeffs

Orthopaedics: Dr Arash Taheri

Pathology: Dr Duncan McLellan

Physician: Dr Michael Prichard

Plastic Surgery: Dr Paul Quinn

Vascular Surgery: Mr Brendan Stanley

Exciting new redevelopment for Mount

At the beginning of August, the Mount opened its upgraded Cardiac Catheter (Cath) labs, the first stage in the redevelopment of the hospital.

As one of the busiest cardiac centres in Australia, the upgrade means the hospital now has the latest cardiac imaging equipment and technology.  

MountReception.pngEarly works have commenced for the largest stage of the redevelopment, which will see upgrades to the hospital’s existing infrastructure and clinical facilities, with the goal of improving patient experience.

The redevelopment project includes:

  • A new waiting and reception area
  • A retail pharmacy
  • The addition of a new day surgery admission and reception area on Level 1.
  • Redevelopment of Level 2 to have 35 private rooms with en suite and a new Clinical Support Services area. 

The hospital will remain open throughout the redevelopment project. The program of works has been staged to ensure there is minimal impact to patients and families accessing the hospital.  

News at Mount Hospital

As a registrar, I was taught that scoliosis in adolescents was not a painful condition. The textbooks of the time largely echoed this sentiment. But that isn't the whole story.

To be called a scoliosis there must be at least 10° of angulation of curve evident in the coronal plane on a plain radiograph along with evidence of rotation of vertebral bodies. This is often only noticed clinically, usually by the family, when the curve is already well past this threshold. A curve of 10° is barely perceptible clinically and is often a radiological finding only on a chest x-ray taken for other reasons. The usual identification of these curves relatively late in their development, or at least not in their very early stages, is testimony to the fact that very often adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is indeed often not a painful condition. There are commonly no complaints of symptoms from the teenager alerting families and their medical practitioners to the issue and so it goes undetected.

With closer questioning however, teenagers in this group often do complain of vague minor aches and pains, sometimes night pain, sometimes exercise or activity related discomfort and other back pains which are often described by both parents and medical practitioners alike as "growing pains". Quite often, if a patient does complain of pain it is a consequence of associated conditions of the scoliosis rather than the scoliosis itself. L5 pars defects usually of the lytic variety are a common association in teenagers with AIS for example. Again, this common abnormality amongst the general population may be the source of various degrees of pain or be entirely asymptomatic. Other common complaints include neck and shoulder pain as a consequence of the mechanics of the sometimes short sharp angulation of the fractional curve above a significant thoracic scoliosis for instance.

In adolescents who do complain of spine pain and also have a scoliosis, it is important not to simply attribute the pain to the scoliosis and it is important to investigate the patient to exclude the rare but important other common sources of significant pain in teenagers such as osteoid osteoma, infection or developmental anomalies. Along with all patients that complain of neurological symptoms, in patients with scoliosis complaining of pain an MRI of the whole spine is a highly sensitive radiological investigation without exposing the patient to ionising radiation which is appropriate to order in this group.

Many times, multiple plain radiographs and/or CT scans are ordered with significant radiation exposure over time. It should always be remembered that breast cancer rates are higher in scoliotic females than non-scoliotic girls most likely simply as a consequence of their exposure to plain radiography over time. Usually, a specialist will use radiography to monitor the progression of a curve and wherever possible will use the now well-established EOS radiographic system that captures both a lateral and a PA film at the same time with roughly 15% of the typical plain radiography radiation dose. These systems are available now in every state capital city in Australia and in an increasing number of regional centres.

Pain of course is a complex phenomenon however and an entirely subjective experience and elevated pain scores are typically seen in all ages in those patients with a history of anxiety issues or depression and adolescents are no different and so it is in scoliosis. On occasion, expressions of spine pain may be one of the central symptoms heralding the onset of a mental health problem in a teenager.

Spine pain of all causes can be difficult to treat. Whilst it is common for the small group of scoliosis patients that need to progress to surgery post operatively to demonstrate complete resolution of all spine pain, that is by no means universally the case. In the larger nonoperative group, education about the condition is a central part of developing self efficacy of symptom management, the judicious use of simple analgesics and occasional anti-inflammatory medicine can be useful and short term focused physiotherapy delivered by practitioners with a subspecialty interest has been shown to be useful. As with all forms of chronic spine pain at all ages, it is very important not to escalate patients into chronic analgesic use and in particular chronic opiate use as this very commonly leads to substantial additional morbidity over time. Use of simple neuro modulation medication such as amitriptyline can also be useful in a very small percentage.

Like most spine patients however, the keys to highly effective self-management over the years are education, weight management and exercise. There is an excellent dose response curve for each of them!

By Dr Paul Taylor

Dr Paul Taylor is an experienced Spine Surgeon and Director at NeuroSpine Institute. Dr Taylor has been practicing for around 15 years and is also the Medical Advisory Committee Chair at Mount Hospital as well as part of the clinical review committee. His extensive training in both orthopaedic and neurosurgical spine surgery was gained in Australia and internationally. He has particular expertise in minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS), adult deformity surgery and anterior spine surgery.

Dr Taylor’s practice focuses on the management of complex adult cervical and lumbar spine degenerative conditions including the surgical management of adult and paediatric deformity (scoliosis and kyphosis), microsurgical decompressive and fusion techniques (MISS), vertebral cement augmentation techniques (vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty), total disc replacement devices, and the management of primary and metastatic disease (cancer) in the spine. Additional to his Perth clinics, Dr Taylor regularly consults in Mandurah and Albany.

Signs your wound is healing properly

Any break in the skin is a wound. Wound healing is a complex process that is completed in an organised manner. Every wound goes through typically 4 healing stages.

After a wound bleeds, a clot is formed making the basis of a scab (haemostasis).

Swelling, pain, redness and a clear discharge may occur during the wound repair stage (inflammation).

The next phase is where new tissue is formed and the wound starts to contract (proliferation).

The final stage is phase over an extended period (up to 2 years) soon after the wound has closed up which involves repair and strengthening (remodelling or maturation).

Signs your wound is not healing properly

Different types of wounds require different treatment methods and if your wound healing process begins to slow or show negative signs it is important to seek help early.

  • Increasing pain
  • Discharge
  • Foul odour
  • Redness or swelling
  • Temperature
  • Feeling unwell

Why is my wound not healing?

If a wound does not heal within 4 weeks it can be defined as a non-healing wound (chronic). The cause is most often found in untreated or unnoticed conditions that are underlying. There may be more than one condition occurring at the same time which includes

  • Poor circulation
  • Infection
  • Oedema
  • Inadequate nutrition
  • Repetitive trauma to the wound

How do I know if my wound is infected?

You should pay close attention to any negative signs and symptoms you are experiencing and alert your doctor as soon as possible to allow for early treatment without causing further complications and delays in healing.

Signs of infection can be:

  • Increase in pain instead of gradually improving
  • Redness around the skin edges
  • Heat around wound edges
  • Swelling to the area
  • Yellow ooze (pus) that may have an odour

Sometimes a swab (or sample) of the discharge is required to find out what germs are causing the infection. If you have an infection, it is important to seek medical advice as you may require antibiotics and more complex wound treatment.

How do I care for my wound?

Your surgeon, doctor or specialist wound care nurse will confirm the plan of care for your wound. The treatment plan will vary depending on whether your wound is a surgical incision, traumatic wound or another type of skin loss.

  • The deeper, larger, or dirtier a wound is, the more care it needs.
  • Initially, it is best to limit movement that affects the area surrounding your wound to lower the chance of the wound opening up.
  • The wound must be kept clean and dirt free.
  • Do not pick the dressings or scabs
  • Keep the dressing dry and replace if it gets wet- most dressings are water-resistant and not water-proof and should be covered for showering
  • Dressings and preferences vary with a wide variety of dressings and treatments available aiming for a specific goal.

How do I remove a stuck dressing?

The most effective way to remove a dressing that has adhered to the wound is to use a warm saline solution.

Dry dressings or gauze may stick to the wound as the wound fluid dries out. To prevent this from occurring, using a non-adherent dressing may be advised. Dressing choice is made based on the type of wound and amount of exudate. Seek advice from your doctor or specialist wound care nurse if your wound is complex.

How often should I change a wound dressing?

It is very difficult to provide general recommendations of the frequency of dressing changes as this will vary according to the treatment plan. Check with your doctor or specialist wound care nurse.

As a general rule, a surgical incisional dressing should be left in place for at least 48 hours.

Some wounds, (such as an infected wound) may require daily or sometimes up to 4 times a day dressings, and other wounds maybe every few days to once a week.

To optimise wound healing a dressing is changed according to the amount of exudate or condition of the wound. “A week or a leak”!

How to shower with a wound dressing

Ensure you follow the instructions from your doctor in regard to showering with your wound. Showering following surgery will require the wound to be protected to prevent water from leaking into the dressing. Cover the dressing with a waterproof cover taking care to ensure the edges are secured.

Avoid having strong streams of water coming into contact with your wound and have a short shower.

Check the dressing after your shower and if it is wet it is advised that it is changed as soon as possible as this may increase the risk of germs entering the wound.

Where can I get help?

If you are concerned about a wound and not sure where to get help please see your GP as a starting point.

Resources available include specialist wound care nurses (a nurse that has completed further studies and has extensive experience in developing a treatment plan for complex and non-healing wounds) at most hospitals and some outpatient clinics. Community services are available for dressing care.

By Vanessa Morris, Clinical Nurse Consultant Wound Care

Born and raised in Perth Western Australia, Vanessa Morris works at Mount Hospital as the “Wound Care Clinical Nurse Consultant” and has been at Mount Hospital for 25 years. She studied nursing at Edith Cowan University and obtained a post-graduate qualification in Stomal Therapy and Wound Care. A fun fact about Vanessa is that her daughter has played in the softball world cup and was selected to be on the Australian Olympic Squad.

Cardiovascular disease continues to be a major health problem and the leading cause of death worldwide for both men and women. It has long been accepted that exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation programs to prevent or conducted after a cardiac event are effective in reducing mortality, improving outcomes of cardiovascular disease and quality of life.

The benefits of exercise for prevention, or management of cardiac disease include improved physical function, reduced blood pressure, stronger muscles and bones, improved circulation, increased energy levels, and improved mobility and balance. It also helps manage stress, anxiety, and depression.

Whilst the benefits of exercise are well established, research has continually demonstrated that only 20-50% of eligible patients participate in any cardiac rehabilitation. Worst still it has been determined that for women, older patients, and minorities the referral and participation rate is much lower. Women are particularly under-represented, with fewer than 15% of women participating, and have a much higher dropout rate than men.

Evidence is now emerging that indicates risk factors such as physical inactivity, obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and poor mental health have a greater impact on women’s cardiovascular health, leading to a higher risk of acute myocardial infarction (heart attack) compared to men. Women are also more likely to be physically inactive, and have lower cardiorespiratory fitness following an acute coronary event thus increasing the risk of dying in the first year following the event.

Participation barriers proposed by women have been shown to be complex and multifactorial and include lack of time, motivation, religious reasons, lack of family/social support, work conflicts, transport, distance, services offered, group format, cost, negative experiences, and language barriers. Women are also significantly less likely to be referred for cardiac rehabilitation than men, with one study reporting on average only 39.6% women are referred, with men 1.5 times more likely to be referred. Providing alternative modalities of cardiac rehabilitation such as female only sessions has failed to improve retention rates.

Current cardiac rehabilitation guidelines promote moderate intensity continuous exercise (MICE); however, this may be perceived as less enjoyable thereby decreasing motivation and increasing dropout rates. High intensity interval training (HIIT) is becoming more popular, particularly for time poor individuals and is proving to be a safe alternative. Given that women present with lower cardiorespiratory fitness maybe there is a need to integrate more robust exercise strategies, such as HIIT, to improve their cardiorespiratory fitness, a known strong predictor of future cardiovascular events.

Women need more encouragement and support to participate in exercise programs. This starts with increasing referral rates by GPs and Specialists to exercise based programs for those who are at risk of or have experienced a recent cardiac event.

By Debbie Cooper, ESSAM, ACRAM, AEP
Clinical Exercise Physiologist at HFRC
Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise in Cancer
P 08 9386 9961

Don’t Ignore your Spinal Health During COVID-19 |Mount Hospital & Neurospine Institute WA Welcomes Dr Greg Cunningham

NeuroSpine Institute is a multi-disciplinary specialist practice which provide neuro spinal surgery services in Perth. NeuroSpine Institute was formed as a result of three surgical specialists, Dr Paul Taylor, Dr Andrew Miles & Dr Michael Kern, wanting to offer comprehensive and cohesive treatment of brain and spine injuries, trauma and disease. A new Spinal Surgeon, Dr Greg Cunningham has recently returned to Perth and has joined the NeuroSpine Institute practice, and is readily available to see patients from next month.

Dr Greg Cunningham quotes “Now that people are back to community sports training, adolescents and young adults ignoring persistent sports related back pain can have significant but preventable long term consequences. In young athletes who have ongoing back pain from sports, around half will be caused by a Spondylolysis or a pars defect. This can be readily identified using a specific MRI sequences (not included as part of a routine spine MRI) and successfully treated in most athletes, without surgery, allowing return to even professional level activities.”

Dr Greg Cunningham has a special interest in managing the spinal conditions of athletes, having done quite a bit of training in this area, in particular gaining experience at the Fortius clinic in London with a world renowned Spine surgeon for just about every professional athlete in Europe for their spine. He quotes, “I am only just starting at Mount , I’m looking forward to commencing late June”.

Spine Surgeon Paul Taylor, Neurosurgeon Andrew Miles & Neurosurgeon Michael Kern

See Facebook and LinkedIn for further information.

More patients will soon be able to access Mount Hospital's world-class cardiac service with the addition of two new cath labs, one of which will be a global reference hybrid theatre - the first of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere.

The Mount Hospital’s reputation as one of the busiest and most respected cardiac facilities in Australia has seen patient numbers steadily increase, with more than 1,000 cardiothoracic operations performed in 2017 through its cardiovascular program.

Mount Hospital's structural heart disease program also continues to grow, with the addition of new treatments such as Transcatheter Aortic Valve Intervention (TAVI) - a procedure that replaces a narrowed aortic valve without the need for traditional surgery.

Also in this program is percutaneous left atrial appendage occlusion - a new method of preventing blood clots for patients with rhythm problems who are unable to take blood thinners.

Mount Hospital’s Professor of Cardiology, David Playford, said the new cath labs would significantly increase the hospital's cardiac capacity and allow for the expansion of vascular services through the new hybrid theatre.

"Mount will be home to the latest GE hybrid theatre - one of only 12 worldwide - with the most advanced suite of imaging technology and a new design that enables flexibility, efficiency and safety," he said.

"We will also become a global reference site for the technology installed, which will enable all work stations across the hospital to see every cardiac test conducted on a patient, from echos to angiograms and ECG; everything to do with cardiology.

"Basically, the patient’s journey will be followed electronically by a series of technology linkups, making Mount the only hospital in Australia with this capability."

Prof Playford said Mount Hospital's high volume of cardiac patients played a significant role in delivering exceptional clinical outcomes.

"Our results are among the best in the world in the field of cardiothoracic surgery and interventional cardiology," he said.

“The exceptional patient outcomes no doubt relate to the fact we are one of the highest volume cardiac surgical sites in Australia, and the biggest cardiac facility in the State.

“Due to its structure, the overall governance and exceptional staff and management, the unit is in high demand from cardiologists wanting to work here, and doctors wanting their patients to be treated here.”

The CCU is staffed 24-hours a day by cardiology registrars, including sought-after rotations of doctors from tertiary hospitals.

Prof Playford said the hospital’s team of 52 cardiologists and 9 cardiothoracic surgeons ensured the quality and care given to patients was second-to-none.

“We look after a broad range of admissions, including symptoms of heart attacks, coronary disease, heart failure, structural heart abnormalities and rhythm problems to name just a few,” said Prof Playford.

"The cardiac nursing team provide specialised care, including for patients with unusual medical conditions.

"Our cath labs are extremely well respected and are already at 100 per cent capacity.

"Demand is so high that we are at a stage where the only way we can take on more patients is to expand – and we’re very thankful that is now in progress.

"Our exceptional team of specialists and nurses, our level-three Intensive Care Unit and onsite rehabilitation ensures patients undergoing cardiac treatment at Mount Hospital will receive the highest quality care, all under one roof."

Over more than two decades, the highly-respected breast service at Mount Hospital has evolved to provide women with the clinical, medical and emotional support needed throughout their breast cancer journey.

Established in the early 90s, the service was initially led by a small team of breast physicians and surgeons, who developed the Perth Breast Clinic as a same-day diagnostic service for women with symptomatic breast problems.

This highly coordinated service remains one of the only in Western Australia to provide assessment, screening and diagnosis in a single day for patients at high-risk of breast cancer.

The service has grown and now screens more than 3,000 women annually. It has evolved to include a team of breast surgeons, oncologists, plastic surgeons, breast care nurses, breast radiologists, pathologists, radiotherapists, nuclear medicine specialists and physiotherapists.

Now collectively known as the Mount Breast Group, it encompasses Perth Breast Clinic, individual clinicians, Perth Radiological Clinic and Western Diagnostic Pathology.

Dedicated to providing high-quality care, the Mount Breast Group's multi-disciplinary team meet weekly to review imaging and pathology, discuss optimal treatment plans and collaborate to ensure the smoothest process possible for women and their families.

Breast surgeon, Diana Hastrich, who has played an instrumental role in the service's evolution, said it had always been 'ahead of its time' and continued to be at the forefront of surgical advancements, treatments and therapies.

"When it began, the Perth Breast Clinic was one of the first in Australia to offer comprehensive assessment of women with breast symptoms including clinical assessment, breast imaging and biopsy if required," she said.

"Early diagnosis is key to the successful management of breast cancer and for more than 20 years our same-day service has played a hugely important role for women, particularly for those living in rural areas.

"With highly-experienced breast physicians handling initial assessments, we have also been able to quickly reassure women when symptoms are relating to benign breast change, not cancer."

Today, the Mount Breast Group is one of the only all-encompassing facilities in Australia, enabling women to be guided and supported throughout the different phases of breast cancer, in one place.

A key strength of the service is the Perth Radiological Clinic, which has committed personnel and resources to providing comprehensive breast imaging through mammography, tomography, advanced breast ultrasound, MRI scanning and nuclear medicine including sentinel node scans.

In addition, Western Diagnostic Pathology provides a complete suite of pathology services including same-day reporting of breast fine needle biopsy (FNA), core biopsy reporting, and immediate reporting of intra-operative sentinel node assessment.

Through its dedicated high-risk breast clinic, Mount Breast Group can also arrange genetic testing with Genetic Services of WA, for patients who have a family history of cancer.

Breast Care Nurse, Catherine Griffiths, is part of the team of specialised nurses who provide ongoing support and guidance for women battling breast cancer.

She said a breast cancer diagnosis was an extremely stressful and difficult time for women and their families and the Mount team did all they could to ease the burden.

"We assist with everything from answering questions and giving information surrounding treatments, breast prostheses and breast reconstruction; to explaining the 'ins and outs' of their stay in hospital," said Ms Griffiths.

“We make sure patients are aware of the support services available within the hospital and the wider community, and often organise support when leaving the hospital, including if the patient needs to be referred to other services.

“Patients also have access to our out-patient services, where they may come back for wound checks, dressings and aspirations of sarcomas, if required.

“The Mount Hospital breast care service has - and continues to - provide a clinically exceptional, nurturing and supportive environment for women and their families.

Dr Ravi Rao the first in WA to perform new SIPS procedure

Bariatric surgeon Dr Ravi Rao is the first in Western Australia to perform a new procedure that is helping patients shed 80 to 90 per cent of their excess weight and improve their quality of life.

Dr Rao travelled to Utah in the United States to train in Stomach Intestinal Pylorus Surgery, or SIPS, under world-leading surgeon, Dr Daniel Cottam, who devised the procedure.

He undertook the first SIPS in Western Australia last year at Mount Hospital.

A modification of the duodenal switch (DS) operation, SIPS involves a standard sleeve gastrectomy, followed by dividing the first section of the duodenum and connecting it to the ileum.

Dr Rao said SIPS offered a number of benefits to existing procedures.

“SIPS is a safe and efficient procedure, which provides improved quality of life for the patient,” he said.

“It allows patients to slowly and steadily lose weight right up until 18 months post-operation and, when reaching maximum potential, patients can expect to experience 80 to 90 per cent of excess weight loss.

“SIPS can be performed as a primary surgery, but is also very beneficial as a secondary surgery for those who have experienced failed sleeve procedures.

“It not only provides impressive results in terms of shedding excess kilograms, but also reduces the risk of long term complications such as anastomotic ulcers and dumping syndrome because the pylorus, which is the opening of the stomach into the duodenum, is still attached.

“Patients are able to eat and drink better in the post-operative phase and often do not require any major lifestyle changes."

With recent ABS statistics showing 70 per cent of Australians are either overweight or obese, Dr Rao said he continued to see an increase in the number of patients requiring bariatric surgery.

“I have definitely seen a rise in the number of patients seeking bariatric surgery and specifically requesting the SIPS, ” he said.

“I approach each patient strictly on a case by case basis so I can make informed decisions about which surgery is the right one for them.

“It is important to be able to perform all types of bariatric procedures because it means we can provide each individual with the procedure they need, rather than the one the surgeon knows how to perform.”


Dr Ravi Rao has became the first in Western Australia - and one of only a few nation-wide - to be designated as a Surgeon of Excellence in Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery.

The prestigious seal was granted by the Surgical Review Corporation USA and represents proven superior patient care and the delivery of high quality perioperative services.

The designation also required proof that the facility he performed his procedures at, Mount Hospital, was of the highest standard in terms of operating procedures, its surgical team, support staff, patient education and continuous quality assessment.

It follows Dr Rao's sponsorship by the Department of Health Western Australia to undertake a formal fellowship in Advanced Laparoscopics and Bariatrics in the USA in 2008.

Dr Rao, who specialises in advanced laparoscopy and bariatrics, said his Surgeon of Excellence designation was testament to the service every surgeon and health care facility should provide.

“The Surgeon of Excellence and Centre of Excellence designations reinforce the standard of care that should be given to any patient, in any circumstance,” he said.

“We have a responsibility to provide patients with the highest quality service not only in terms of their surgery, but from the initial consultation process through to the pre-operative, operative and post-operative stages.”

Dr Rao’s designation is the result of an in-depth review of surgeon records, a database that documents patient results, patient care and the hospital facilities at which he performs the procedures.

“The granting of this designation is not something that is taken lightly and there is a number of criterion that must be fulfilled in order to receive the seal,” he said.

“I was required to provide evidence and documentation to meet seven key criteria including surgical experience, equipment and instruments, surgeon dedication, clinical pathways and standardised operating procedures, surgical team and support staff, patient education and continuous quality assessment.

“Applying for the designation is unique in itself, but even more so for me because I had to not only meet personal standards but also provide extensive documentation to prove that the hospital, nursing staff and all its facilities also met the standards for excellence.”

One of Perth’s largest private orthopaedic groups, Orthopaedics WA, has expanded North of the river, bringing their high quality service to The Mount Hospital.

The recent expansion means patients living in Perth’s north will now have better access to highly skilled orthopaedic specialists through one of WA's leading private facilities.

Orthopaedics WA Practice Manager, Vihara said strong patient demand and the opportunity to establish a base at Mount Hospital were significant factors in their decision to expand.

“We’re so thrilled to be able to expand our service to the north and service patients living in that area – there’s definitely demand there,” she said.

"Mount Hospital is a great fit for our group and we are very much looking forward to working with the team."

Orthopaedics WA’s team of surgeons offer a wide range of treatments for medical conditions of the hip, knee, shoulder, foot and ankle. They also specialise in treating sports injuries and trauma.

“Our surgeons work in close collaboration, enabling easy cross referral for those with multiple or complex orthopaedic problems, providing an efficient service for our patients,” said Vihara.

“Our surgeons have also opted to be ‘no gap’ with private health funds, which is a huge benefit to patients, particularly in times when they are already stretched financially.

"All of our surgeons are passionate about being able to support more members of the community in accessing these services locally, without the financial strain."

Vihara said they were focussed on accelerating patient recovery and ensuring a successful long-term outcome for patients requiring orthopaedic surgery.

“We use the latest technology and techniques from around the world and we are continually active in research to ensure we are up to date with industry advances and best practice,” she said.

Mount Hospital General Manager Claire Fogarty said she was thrilled to welcome the group to Mount.

“Orthopaedics WA is a well-respected practice experienced in all areas of orthopaedic surgery," she said.

"Mount is continually looking to expand their services and having Orthopaedics WA on board is a great coup for us.”

For more information contact:

Orthopaedics WA

Mount Hospital

Suite 51, 146 Mount Medical Clinic

146 Mount Bay Road

Perth WA 6000

P: 08 9312 1135

E: 08 9332 1187

W: www.orthopaedicswa.com.au

WA’s biggest privately run cardiac unit will be expanded as part of a $15 million redevelopment of the Mount Hospital.

It is expected to make it one of the busiest heart units in the country and includes a new advanced theatre to do valve replacements.

The expansion comes after the appointment of health executive Claire Byers as general manager of the Healthscope-operated hospital.

She said stage one of the hospital’s redevelopment would focus on the cardiac unit, which was already one of the busiest and most respected in Australia.

The work will include a third cardiac catheter laboratory and a state-of-the-art hybrid operating theatre which will be used for vascular and structural heart services, including the new transcatheter aortic valve implantation, or TAVI, program.

The minimally invasive surgical procedure allows doctors to repair a damaged valve by implanting a new valve using a catheter.

Mount was the first private hospital in WA to introduce TAVI and be accredited to perform the life-saving treatment on patients considered at high risk for open-heart surgery.

It was one of the first initiatives introduced by Ms Byers when she took over the role of acting general manager in June last year, before officially being appointed to the role in August.

She initially joined the hospital as director of nursing in February. “The additional cath lab and new hybrid operating theatre will be invaluable additions to our renowned cardiac service and will contribute to the continued growth of the Mount,” Ms Byers said.

“We are progressing plans with the WA Department of Health and are in discussions with all our key stakeholders, including doctors and staff, to pave the way for construction to begin in April.”

She said the redevelopment was part of wider plan to make Mount Hospital, which has 224 beds and more than 650 staff, a leading medical hub.

Ms Byers said it would allow the hospital to expand other key specialties. The stage one redevelopment will also include an upgrade to the day surgery unit.

Media Release

13 February 2017

For more than 30 years Mount Hospital has been providing a leading private cardiac service to the people of Western Australia which in 2016 performed a record 701 heart surgeries, making it one of the busiest units in the country.

In 2015 the hospital performed approximately 600 heart surgeries, so there was an increase of over 15% in 2016.

Carl Yuile, General Manager of Mount Hospital explains, we are well known in the community for the high quality of our cardiac service. The rise in the number of surgeries is a testament to the calibre of the team here. Patients seek out our surgeons and our hospital because they know that the level of care here is exceptional.

In 1987 the Hospital was the first private hospital in Western Australia to perform a coronary artery bypass graft procedure. It was also the first private hospital to perform minimally invasive cardiac procedures and the first to offer a priority admission service for chest and respiratory pain.

Fundamental in shaping of the hospital’s cardiac service are the specialised anaesthetists like Dr Stephen Same and Dr Mark Schneider both of whom have been part of the service from the beginning.

‘We have a highly skilled and experienced team including cardiothoracic surgeons, cardiac anaesthetists, perfusionists and nursing staff both in the operating theatre and on the wards’ said Dr Same.

Mount Hospital has 9 cardiothoracic surgeons.

‘The ICU specialists and anaesthetists have developed a 30-year long strong working relationship of helping each other out which adds to team work, camaraderie and positive patient outcomes,” said Dr Schneider.

Mount Hospital opened two new state of the art dedicated cardiac theatres in 2015 and is backed by the only private Level 3 ICU in the state. The cardiac service is also supported by a 24 hour Chest and Respiratory pain service, two angiography suites, onsite medical officers, a dedicated cardiac ward and a cardiac rehabilitation program.

Image available for reproduction: Specialist Cardiac Anaesthetists, Stephen Same and Mark Schneider outside the Mount Hospital Operating Suite.

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