Dr Michael Prichard commenced his practice as a consultant in respiratory medicine at Mount Hospital in 1986. Perth Sleep Clinic was founded in 1995 as a 2-bed overnight sleep unit and moved to Mount Hospital in 1998. Over the years the Sleep Clinic has expanded in size to its current configuration of 6 beds & also offers the following services;
- Sleep and Respiratory physician consulting
- Supervised overnight diagnostic sleep studies for all sleep disorders
- Treatment sleep studies – pressure titration and assessment of response to CPAP, NIV; and MAS.
- Daytime nap studies – MSLT and MWT
- CPAP therapy initiation and troubleshooting (in conjunction with a CPAP provider)
- Portable (home based) sleep studies
- Actigraphy and sleep diary for assessment of insomnia
- Respiratory function assessment: PFT, spirometry, provocation testing, FENO for asthma assessment, oxygen assessment.
- Cardiopulmonary exercise testing.
Perth Respiratory and Sleep Clinic
Suite 27, 146 Mounts Bay Road,
Perth, 6000
Ph: 08 9481 2244
Email: admin@perthsleep.com.au